Considered a “veteran” in the industry – if only in the figurative sense – is Jan Stork, Managing Director of the specialist wine trade of the same name in Lüdinghausen. “As a GEV member my dad was practically one of the founding fathers of ProWein. I have personally witnessed the growth of the trade fair since 1995 first hand. Our company has been around since 1982; together with my wife Karin, and Stefan Streckert, the expert of all things spirits, we are constantly developing the business ever further. Unlike many others we do not make any appointment at ProWein – this would just be a waste of time. Besides maintaining contacts the biggest asset of ProWein is the opportunity it offers to scout out young, unknown vintners cutting out the intermediate trade channels. For Stefan Hall 7.0 with the Special Show ‘same but different’ and the spirits hall 11 are, of course, must-goes.”
PS: If I could make a wish for ProWein? Could you please flag up/list those new exhibitors and/or exhibitors without dealers/importers?