"However you organise a ProWein doesn’t matter, Just please organise one!” – This is pretty much what the wishes of my exhibitors from Italy sounded like with regard to our event. So this year we saw
15 to 17 May 2022 as a safe alternative for ProWein 2022. The whole world will be able to arrive in Düsseldorf thanks to this late date with fewer restrictions. There has already been a lot of positive feedback for this decision, which we have gladly taken as an incentive to meticulously prepare our trade fair with the usual diversity.
The broad, international selection of products on offer makes ProWein unique for all those who do business with wine, champagne, spirits and craft drinks. Based on our motto this year “Let’s reunite for business!”, I would also like to invite you, on behalf of the entire ProWein team, to visit Italy, Austria, Greece and around 60 other countries at the exhibition centre in Düsseldorf.
I would like to give you a small insight into our offer in general and in particular into the Italian range. Next month, my colleague Petra will give you an idea of what the Germans and French are presenting.
I look forward to seeing you!
Kind regards,
Nicole Funke