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Overview: WEINIMPORT Aktuell

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WEINIMPORT Aktuell 05/2010
August 2010 & September 2009 to August 2010


In August 2010 wine imports achieved 1,161 Mio. hl and 142 Mio. €. These results exeed the data of August 2009 by 10% in volume and 6,4 % in value. In August 2010 the average price was 122 €/hl. Within the period September 2009 to August 2010 wine imports sum up to 14,887 Mio. hl and 2,077 Bn. €. Special focus is put on the imports from Italy and South Africa.
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WEINIMPORT Aktuell 04/2010
July 2010 & August 2009 to July 2010


This edition presents the latest statistical Data for July 2010 and the 12-month-periode from August 2009 to July 2010. In both periods, the volume and the value of imported wines increased considerably. This time the newsletter emphazises on Austria and Australia, ranking on Germany's wine import list on position 6 respectively 8.
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WEINIMPORT Aktuell 03/2010
June 2010 & July 2009 to June 2010


In the new edition of WEINIMPORT Aktuell, we shift focus on SPAIN and CHILE, two significant nations of the global wine trade. Looking into the ranking of the TOP-10 wine import countries of Germany, Spain is on position 3 and Chile on position 7. Find ore specification on the development and structure of German wine imports ...
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WEINIMPORT Aktuell 02/2010
May 2010 & June 2009 to May 2010


84 Mio hl wine were traded 2009 cross border worldwide. This figure represents the import volume of wine worldwide and was published at this year´s general assembly of the International Organisation for Vine and Wine in Tiflis / Georgia. The share by continent of the world wine trade volume is as follows: Oceania 1,2 %, Africa 3%, Asia 6,4 %, America 17,8 % and Europe 71,5 %.
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WEINIMPORT Aktuell 01/2010
April 2010 & May 2009 to April 2010


At the beginning of the 21st century the international wine trade has entered in a new dimension. Today every 3rd bottle wine produced worldwide, is sold cross border. Germany is an important economic and significant wine consumer market. For that reason it is in the focus of the international wine trade. Referring to OIV-data Germany is the No.1 import market for wine.
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WEINIMPORT Aktuell Announcement 2010


WEINIMPORT Aktuell is a new information service of ProWein / Messe Düsseldorf, providing monthly information on the current situation and development of wine importmarket. First edition was released in June 2010.
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